Leana Lovings, my naive young wife, is ideal. Tiny, bouncy tits and an amazing ass! She is really modest, so when I asked her about her sexual fantasies, I was taken aback when she revealed that I had watched her fuck another person. and specifically an older one. That certainly got out of hand! Looking at her, you'd never think she's that twisted, but dressed up in lingerie and glasses, she certainly makes a striking specimen. When the older stud, Filthy Rich, entered, she was incredibly terrified. As he bit into her tender pussy, she gasped. She jerked and licked him off, marveling at this elderly man's enormous cock the entire time. My young wife was really upset when the old man repeatedly raped her with his large penis, but I believe she eventually came out of her shell. She undoubtedly experienced many orgasms. She took his balls and sucked them until he was in her mouth. She was supposed to be shy, but now she likes to fuck big-chested old males, so I'm not sure how I feel about that. In any case, it was unbearably hot.