It can be difficult to deal with my new adolescent stepdaughter, Braylin Baiely, who I am Danny Steele. Her mother grounded her, and I have to deal with the unpleasant task of upholding it. I know I need to talk to her about it when I see her slink back into the house the following morning. Le sigh. She's wearing nothing but her underwear and top as I walk in. She appears anxious, but things start to get strange when she realizes I haven't run to notify her mother. She claims that despite sneaking out, she is still horny and hasn't gotten laid. I try to stop her from showing me her adorable underwear, but her perky tits are too good! I'm in when she says she'll suck my dick really good; the little brat jerked and sucked me like an expert. Next she informed me that she puts my enormous cock into her hairy tiny muff and that she fantasizes about having me inside of her. She turns around to see her small ass bounce while I smack it after her tight pussy gets really moist. Her mother lives next door, so I had to cover her mouth as I give her a strong fuck and make her come! She drops to the ground, opens her lips to receive my load, and then swallows it whole. What a lustful brat!

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